Materials from the January 2013 ISLN Meeting are Below
Math Congruency Tasks Teachers Grade K-2 with answers

This is the K-2 congruency task the K-2 teachers completed at our November network meeting. To find more grade band specific activities you can click HERE. This will take you to my November materials area.
Math Congruency Tasks for Administrators

The picture is linked to the Administrator task.
Math Congruency Tasks Administrators Answers

Answers to the adminstrator congruency task activity.
Mathematics Design Collaborative Overview Timeline

This picture will show the timeline of our work with the Mathematics Design Collaborative (MDC) through the formative assessment lessons over the past two years.
Content Specialists Service Menu 2013

LDC and Measuring Student GrowthFor more information on ELA /LDC please see Robin's website:
TPGES PowerPoint- Student Growth GoalsMike York's HandoutsObservation Template
PGES KDE website |