September ISlN Meeting Materials
Powerpoint of September ISLN Network Update The video clips used at our network meeting are embedded in the PowerPoint on slide 16. There is also a video clip at the end of the presentation about teaching in the 21st Century.
Chetl on one page - front and back
This document prints very nicely in color on white cardstock.
Observation Form
Scale Out Work in District
Network Year at a Glance
This shows the year at a glance targets and goals for the ISLN, ELA, and Math Teacher Leader Networks.
Identify the Teaching level of Performance
Teaching scenarios used in the ISLN meeting today.
TPGES Framework 3b Questioning and Discussions Handout
Handout used today during Carol Franks presentation on the TPGES.
Teacher Professional Growth & Effectiveness System Framework Powerpoint
This is the introduction to the TPGES framework Carol Franks shared at the September ISLN meeting.
Matrix of multiple measures from Carol Franks' presentation.
TPGES Framework
Here is the TPGES Framework document.