September 2012 Network meeting
This is the main morning powerpoint from the September meeting.
Teacher Professional Growth & Effectiveness Framework
The framework is based on the Charlotte Danielson work.
Classroom Vignettes Activitiy used at the network meeting.
Classroom Vignettes Activitiy used at the network meeting.
Multiple Measure/Framework for Teaching Alignment Handout
Click on the picture for the handout.
Classroom Vignettes Activity to introduce framework
Vignettes Answer Sheets
Vignettes Classroom Environment Cards
Vignettes Instruction Cards
Vignettes Planning and Preparation Cards
Vignettes Professional Responsibilities Cards
Vignettes Classroom Environment Cards
Vignettes Instruction Cards
Vignettes Planning and Preparation Cards
Vignettes Professional Responsibilities Cards
Congruence and Similarity - High School Breakout
High School Breakout PowerPoint on Congruence and Similarity
Peer Observation Tool (3b)
Action plan for September 2012
Kentucky Department of Education September Update Click here.
David Atwood - Hunger Games Video
Click HERE for the video clip from David Atwood's Hunger Games Lesson